

how to draw a tree

a correspondence mail art project

You are invited to participate in an ongoing mail art project.

Consider the definition:

v. To pull; to attract; to take in; to take out; to draw lots; to get information from; to finish a contest with neither side winning; to require a certain depth of water in which to float; to produce a picture or diagram by making marks on a surface; to formulate; to write out for encashment; to search for game; to make one’s way; to infuse (The Oxford Paperback Dictionary)

Submissions should be no larger than 8-1/2” x 11”.

Please mail to June Hills, 808 – 1718 – 14 Avenue NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2N 4Y7


All submissions will be displayed on www.junehills.com/howtodrawatree
Artworks will not be returned and become the property of the How to Draw a Tree Project.
Additional exhibitions will be communicated to participating artists on www.junehills.com.

Contact: howtodrawatree@shaw.ca

What is Correspondence Mail Art?

Correspondence/Mail Art has been practiced for more than three decades; it began to mushroom and form a strong international network in the early seventies. This international exchange has involved thousands of artists (estimates range as high as 20,000); at any point in time as many as 700 artists from some 35 countries may be involved in the network. Correspondence/Mail Art is primarily exchanged on a one-to-one basis, but, from its beginnings there have always been public manifestations via exhibitions; one of the earliest exhibitions was held at the Whitney Museum, New York City in 1970. There have literally been thousands of exhibitions throughout the USA, South America, Europe and the Far East. The roots, and the attitude, of Correspondence/Mail Art are found in the Dada Movement of the early part of this century, and, more recently, in the Fluxus movement in Europe, North America and Japan of the late Fifties and Sixties. (Chuck Stake)

Copyright © June Hills, 2012.    All rights reserved.
e-mail june@junehills.com